Meet the Visionary

Born and raised in Burgersfort Limpopo province in South Africa, Angelina Ntlabati is the second born of the late Meshack Ntlabati and Salphina Maedimole. 

She did her primary in Ga-Kgoete at a school called Majoe-a-Kgoro and did her high school at Makopi high school. After matric she went to Pretoria to further her studies and make a living. 

She studied Call centre and Business management with Damelin and later on was employed by Accessorize SA as a Store Assistant manager but was later on retrenchment. She is now in full time Ministry, writing books and in business. 

Reconciled To Christ(RTC) started in 2014 after The Lord spoke to her and made it clear that the focal point for the ministry is women and marriages. 

Currently the Ministry holds weekly prayer sessions with a group of ladies discussing different challenges they face in life generally and in their marriages. The ministry has also annual meetings whenever the Lord allows and have intimate fellowships also. The main aim is to revive, restore, rebuild and reconcile people with their maker and creator Jesus Christ as per 2 Corinthians 5.18-21. 

 +27 79 127 1770
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